plein air painters · conservationists · volunteers · teachers · students
with common goals
Members of The Chestnut Group paint what they are passionate about preserving; fragile local environments, threatened habitats, protected natural areas, and historic properties. The group welcomes artists of any skill level who enjoy painting en plein air, would like to learn how to paint in plein air, and those interested in conservation efforts in Middle Tennessee.
- Growth opportunities; including workshops conducted by internationally known artists, lectures, art-related educational sessions and mentorship relationships
- Opportunities to exhibit and sell personal work
- New this year! Chestnut Group Online Sales Gallery—a new platform for members to showcase their work. We’re excited about making our members’ works available to the public on our website. Each member will have up to five spots, with 85% of sales proceeds going directly to the artist. Stay tuned for more details as we role this out early in the first quarter.
- Invitations to paint on scenic private property, in remote areas, and venues closed to the general public
- The camaraderie, informal learning, and self-discovery that come from spending time with a community of people sharing passions and conservation ideals
- The joy of being part of a collaborative effort to make a difference in reaching the mission of the group to conserve and protect vanishing landscapes and endangered properties.
Art makes a difference. Be a part of the change.
Sponsorship is open to artists and non-artists alike. As a Sponsor, you will have access to reach out to our entire membership with your specific events and information. All applications must be approved by the board. In-kind donations (valued at half of the sponsorship amount) will also be considered. More information about Sponsorship is available by clicking here.
For questions regarding the group or the application process, please contact us by clicking here.
President, Community Outreach – Judson Newbern
Past President, Marketing Chair – Ellen Parker Bibb
Treasurer – Sarah Clinton
Incoming Treasurer – Lee Anne Burney
Incoming Treasurer – Lisa Fallon
Recording Secretary – Ashleigh Suarez
Membership Chair – Angela Powers
Education Chair – Jeanne Pickard
Fundraising Chair – Stacey Briggs
Art Show Submissions & Title Block Coordinator – Suzanne LeBeau
Exhibit Staging and Storage Space Chair – Ed Routon
Member at-large – Cathy Brooks-Fincher
Member at-large – Cam Dolak
Member at-large – Terry Warren
Member at-large – Suzannah Green
Operations & Marketing Director – Lolly Brown
Artist Members:
Enjoy each members’ personal gallery by clicking on their link below.
- Affolter, Beth - TN
- Allard, David - TN
- Allen, Elaine - TN
- Alltop, Tauni - TN
- Atma, Jenna - TN
- Balsley, Michael T. - TN
- Bankston, Olga - TN
- Barnes, Carolyn
- Barrick, Kim - TN
- Bassett, Jonathan - TN
- Bates, Renee - TN
- Berning, Carol - TN
- Bibb, Ellen - TN
- Binkley, Donna - TN
- Boursoulian, Lana - TN
- Bridges, Trisha - TN
- Briggs, Stacey - TN
- Brooks, Patricia
- Brooks, Dan - Tennessee
- Brooks-Fincher, Cathy
- Brown, Anne Blair - TN
- Brown, Roger Dale - TN
- Brown, Carol - TN
- Brown, Lolly - TN
- Brumbergs, Donna - TN
- Buckner, Christy
- Bugg, JoAnn
- Bullock, Sheila
- Burks, Kathryne - TN
- Burney, Lee Ann - TN
- Burrus, Betsy - Tn
- Butler, Susan R - TN
- Campbell, Carolyn - TN
- Catchings, Sue - TN
- CHEN, Jian
- Cherry, Lucia L - TN
- Clinton, Sarah - Tn
- Coble, Jane - TN
- Coldwell, Brenda - TN
- Condurelis, Kristin - Tn
- Crook, Cynthia
- Crout, Annette - TN
- Crumbo, Jill
- Davis, Angela - Tn
- Day, Melissa - TN
- Day, Sarah - TN
- Demaree, Rebecca - TN
- DeMumbrum, Carol - TN
- Dixon, Baird - TN
- Dolak, Cameron - TN
- Dorris, Stacy
- Duck, Cynthia
- Dunn, Pat - TN
- Dunn, Jessica - TN
- Eichbaum, Quentin - TN
- Ervin, Wendy - TN
- Evans, Beverly Ford - TN
- Fallon, Lisa
- Felts, Janet - TN
- Ferrante-Iqbal, Virginia - TN
- Fields, Lauren - TN
- Finch, Lana
- Finley, Dale - TN
- Finney, Trey - SC
- Fister, Holly - TN
- Forshaw, Bess
- Foss, Tiffany - TN
- Franklin, Linda
- Garrett-Dickerson, Sheron R - Tennessee
- Gauld-Jeager, Jean - TN
- Geraghty, Susan
- Goetze, Anne - Tn
- Graham, Todd - TN
- Green, Suzannah - TN
- Gronefeld, Barbara - TN
- Gurley, Nan - TN
- Haddock, Gale - TN
- Hall, Melody - TN
- Hall, Carol V - TN
- Hargis, Teresa Townsend - TN
- Harris, Dennis
- Hausler, Laura - TN
- Hawkins, John - TN
- Helmey, Stephanie
- Hicks, Marjorie - TN
- Hidinger, Clint - TN
- Hodge, Tim - TN
- Hoover, Lou - TN
- Hoover, Lou
- Howell, Angela - TN
- Hubbard, Brigitte - TN
- Hundley, Treesa - TN
- Jackson, Mark - TN
- Jaffe, Amy
- Johnston, Carol - TN
- Jones, Susan Elizabeth - TN
- Jones, Betty Kate - TN
- Jones, H Duane - TN
- Jones, Andrea
- Jorgensen, Nan
- Khoury, George - TN
- King, Bitsy - TN
- Larmi, Richard - TN
- LeBeau, Suzanne - TN
- Leblanc, Mary Louise - TN
- Lehner, Mary
- LeMieux, Leslie
- Levee, Gayle - TN
- Lewis, Jessica - TN
- Ligon, Georgia - TN
- Liles, Betty - KY
- Mabry, Maria - TN
- Maxwell, Marie
- May, Diane C - TN
- May, Mary - TN
- Maynard, Faye - TN
- Maynard, Matthew
- McComb, Peach - TN
- Menck, Kevin - TN
- Miller, Patti
- Miller, Tane - TN
- Morgan, Claudia - TN
- Morley, Brenda - TN
- Morris, Taylor - TN
- Murphy, Beth
- Neugent, Angela - TN
- Newbern, Judson - TN
- Norton, Allison - TN
- OBrien M D, Kevin - TN
- Ossolinski, Lauren - TN
- Padgett, Pam - TN
- Pannell, Laurie - TN
- Pauliukonis, Nancy Range - TN
- Peel, Mary Margaret - Tn
- Peoples, Jessica - TN
- Phillips, Grant-Lee
- Pickard, Jeanne - TN
- Pickel, Haden - TN
- Pipes, Deborah
- Poindexter, Michael - TN
- Popa, Daniela
- Pope, Katherine - TN
- Post, Gavin - TN
- Powers, Angela - TN
- Publow, Gordon - TN
- Pulley, Kelly - TN
- Putnam, Lori - TN
- R Cameron, Margaret - TN
- Raymond, Katherine - TN
- Reed, Marie
- Renaudin, George
- Richardson, Tim - TN
- Riebe, Denise - TN
- Riley, Robert
- Rosado, Sue
- Rose, Walter - TN
- Ross, Jo
- Routon, Ed - TN
- Rule, Jackie - TN
- Rutherford, Cynthia - TN
- Saal, Todd - TN
- Samuels, Lynn - TN
- Schmitt, John - TN
- Schrank, Becky Jane - TN
- Schultz, Joshua - TN
- Schwartz, Joanne
- Sharpe, Patsy
- Simpkins, Jennifer - TN
- Sites, Amanda
- Slay, James - TN
- Smith, Jeanie
- Smith, Aimee - TN
- Smith, Christi
- Smith, Kate - TN
- Sowers, Mike - TN
- Sparkman, Kathleen
- Spigel, Stuart
- Stanley, Kymberlee - TN
- Starr, Carole - TN
- Sterling, Amy
- Stern, Veronica - TN
- Stone, Mary
- Suarez, Ashleigh - TN
- Sutt, Melissa
- Tant, Dianne - TN
- Tashian, Daniel
- Templin, Ocie - TN
- Terry, Vicki - TN
- Thatcher, Jo Ellen - TN
- Thomas, Margret - TN
- Thompson, Allison - TN
- Townsend, Cynthia - TN
- Tulloh, Emily - TN
- Turco, Kyle - TN
- Waggoner, Cindy
- Wallace, Lisa
- Ward, David - TN
- Ward, Sandy - TN
- Warren, Terry - TN
- Watson, Barbara
- Waugh, Sheryl - TN
- Wentworth, Betty
- Whitelaw, Dawn E - TN
- Williams, Claudia - TN
- Willis, Camille Harlin - TN
- Wilson, Amanda - TN
- Wingo, Debbie
- Zaske, Cherri - TN