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Photographing Artwork and Other Helpful Links

Chestnut members –

Here is a link to a post on the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh’s website on photographing artwork.


It contains some very helpful tips on lighting and photographing art using a camera or a smartphone.

This link will be posted on The Chestnut Group website under the Resources pull-down menu, and Current Community Partner Projects page. Highlights of the upcoming Radnor Art Show will be listed there as well.

Additionally, this page: Guide to Participating in Exhibits and Shows 

Includes helpful information including:

Preparing for a Chestnut Show  (link)

Pricing Guide  (link)

Framing Instructions  (link)

Standard-Size-Chart-for-Chestnut-Shows  (link)

Title Block Submission  (link)

Tag Form Download  (link)


Please reach out with any additional questions:

Donna Brumbergs and Brigitte Hubbard

2021 Radnor Show Co-chairs