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Radnor Lake Art Show Fact Sheet

The FACT SHEET is now available on the website (when you are logged in to the website), under: Resources/ Newsletters & Fact Sheets: https://chestnutgroup.org/member-resources/

Or through this direct link:  https://chestnutgroup.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2023-Radnor-FactSheet_v1.pdf

If the fact sheet is updated between now and the show, the most current version will be posted on the Resources / Newsletter & Fact Sheets webpage: https://chestnutgroup.org/member-resources/

Please use the FACT SHEET as your reference guide outlining all of the information needed for participating in the show. You will find event dates, accepted subject matter, framing guidelines, painting entry details, drop off and pick up times, etc. Please read it carefully and contact us with any questions about these details.

Also please watch for volunteer signup opportunities coming in the next couple of weeks. The success and outcome of the show fully depends on our volunteers, and we appreciate every minute you can spare of your precious time.

Information cards are available at the Visitor Center in the rack by the front door. Please pick some up and have them handy while painting to conveniently spread the word to any friendly walkers stopping for a chat.

We are excited to share that there are plans currently in the works around painting the Full Blue Moon, the second full moon and super moon on or around August 30th! This moon is a ‘super moon’ because it will be visibly larger than a regular full moon by about 14%, so this is great timing for us! Please stay tuned for details coming very soon!!

Happy painting!
Bitsy King – 615-513-0511 – bitsykingart@gmail.com
Donna Brumbergs – 860-508-9476 – dbrumbergs@gmail.com