Centennial Park Show, “Own a PART of the Park”

Hello Chestnuts, with the Centennial Park show just over a month away, promotions are underway and we want to have those paintings ready for the beautiful gallery space we’ll be filling in the Parthenon. Drop-off of artwork is set from 8 – 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 22, entering from the main entrance to the Parthenon (go straight past gift shop). Title block submission deadline is midnight on May 15th. Lot’s of interest is being shown by park patrons of The Conservancy (their fundraising arm) for this first-ever event. Let’s turn out our best showing!
We have a paintout Monday at Centennial Park for Earth Day. Monday, April 22, 10 am – 3 pm
Renee will be in front of the Parthenon main entrance at the beginning of the day.
We have an invitation to paint inside the Parthenon again on Monday, May 6 at 4:00pm during closed hours. RSVP with Renee at reneebatesartist@gmail.com. Painters are also welcome to go 1-3 at a time during open hours but we need to coordinate. RSVP for open hour painting with Renee.
Here’s a link to all things show related for “Own a PART of the Park” and other resources:
New members, here is a link to helpful information on participating in a Chestnut Group show: https://chestnutgroup.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Preparing-for-a-Show-PPT.pdf
Coming soon, the volunteer schedule.
Judson Newbern and Renee Bates
Painting shown by Teresa Townsend Hargis