Member Benefits
See the list below and please reach out to Angela Powers, Chair of Membership with questions!
- Learning and development opportunities through workshops conducted by internationally know artists, lectures, art-related educational sessions and mentorship relationships
- Early access and reduced pricing for all workshops, demos and classes
- Member profile page on to display artwork and provide contact information
- A monthly newsletter and emails about upcoming events and opportunities
- Opportunities to exhibit and sell personal work (all Chestnut shows are non-juried)
- New this year! Chestnut Group Online Sales Gallery—a new platform for members to showcase their work. We’re excited about making our members’ works available to the public on our website. Each member will have up to five spots, with 85% of sales proceeds going directly to the artist. Stay tuned for more details as we role this out early in the first quarter.
- Invitations to paint on scenic private property, remote areas and venues closed to the general public
- The camaraderie, informal learning, and self-discovery that occurs by spending time with a community whose passions and conservation ideals are alike
- Collaborative effort with other artists and non-profit partners to make a difference in reaching the mission of the group to conserve and protect vanishing landscapes and endangered properties
Art makes a difference. Be part of the change. Join us Today!
Annual membership is $90. Membership year is from January 1 through December 31.
If you have questions or need more information please contact us.
(If you are a current member needing to renew, please log-in to the website and renew your membership here: Renew today to take advantage of the full year of benefits! Membership will lapse if not renewed by March 31st.
Please fill in the form below, and use upper and lowercase format so we have standard alphabetization on the website members list and for administrative purposes. Thanks! Example: Firstname Lastname.