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Thank You; Does Your Website Link from your Chestnut Profile?

Happy 2020, Everyone!

It was a pleasure serving as your president in 2018-2019, and I am grateful for the support you gave, volunteerism, generous spirit, and camaraderie.  I look forward to 2020, and Sheryl Waugh’s enthusiastic nature and capable leadership, alongside our Executive Director, and everpresent cheerleader,  Rachel Blair.  Wendy Ervin has generously offered to serve as our website chair this year for which we can all be grateful.  She will be there to post, answer questions, and be sure we can get into our profiles.

The beginning of the year is a great time to update your profile and be sure everything works the way you want it to work.  Looking at our website’s Members’ List,, I noticed that some of us have website links that do not work. Visitors who are looking at your profile on the Chestnut site and want to see your personal website (if you have one) aren’t getting to your websites from your profile.

It’s an easy fix.  Log in to your profile and scan down the page to two places, Website (under Contact Info), and Website URL (just above your Gallery images).

Typing or  into the space for your website will not link.

Be sure you have your web address formatted this way:  https://   or,  http://

like this

or this

It has to be one way or the other on the Chestnut Group site for visitors to reach your websites, and it is not random so, if your link isn’t working, log into your website and see which way it goes.  The s in https is about security, and that is between you and your website provider.

Additionally, some images on the scroll do not meet the guidelines.  According to the guide in the profile form, In October of 2012, the board of the Chestnut Group voted to implement two new policies regarding “featured images.” They are as follows: 1) All images selected to be a “featured image” must be work created in plein air and work that supports our mission statement of conservation & preservation of vanishing landscapes & historic structures in Middle Tennessee. 2) Featured images need to be replaced/rotated at least every 6 months. Images that do not are not changed out within this time frame may be removed from the home-page rotation by a website administrator.

Though it is not written in the guide, in the 2017 website committee, for continuity, we discussed uploading photos of our work unframed for the scroll of images on the homepage and only one painting per image.

So that’s it, staying fresh and current, and if you need help, reach out, as helping one another is how I have experienced the spirit of the Chestnut Group, and I think that you will, too.

I hope you get everything you want out of your painting practice in the new year.

All the best,

Renee Bates