Ten Things Radnor
Here are 10 things you should know about our upcoming November 2-5 show at Radnor Lake, including special activities and events leading up to it.
Thing 1: They Will Come — and Many Will Buy.
Loyal patrons and Radnor lovers are dedicated to the cause and have shown they will buy Chestnut paintings. The 2015 show was the Chestnut Group’s largest grossing show. 132 paintings (including donated paintings) were sold, grossing $65,625. Almost $30,000 was paid out to Chestnut painters.

Thing 2: Friends of Radnor Lake (FORL) Board Members and Radnor Lake Staff are Excited and Enthusiastic.
The folks at Radnor are anxiously looking forward to the Chestnut show and consider it to be a one of their biggest events. And just as they did for the 2015 show, they are dedicating the time, money, and resources to help support our efforts and better ensure that the 2017 show will be another success.
Thing 3: The FORL Folks Know How to Throw a Party.
Professional invitations, catered food, and wine aside — 46% of total sales, or $27,175, occurred within the span of just 3 hours on Thursday night at the Patrons Party.
Thing 4: Wildlife Sells.
Sure, there’s the lake. But for those who frequent the Natural Area, the Radnor “experience” includes turkeys, turtles, owls, herons, ducks, geese, deer, otters, watchable birds, and other wildlife. A significant number of paintings sold at the 2015 show featured or included wildlife. [See Radnor Fact Sheet related to using photo references for wildlife paintings.]
Thing 5: Special Canoe Floats Scheduled for Chestnut members.
Park Manager Steve Ward has arranged for two private canoe floats just for Chestnut members who want to gather wildlife photo references with views not possible from the walking trails. The dates are Friday, July 21st and Friday, August 18th. The canoes will launch promptly at 7:00 a.m. from the Dam Walkway canoe launch area, next to the Spillway Dam. Limited to 12 members for each date. To reserve your spot for one of these two canoe floats, email Marci Hicks at marjorieshicks@gmail.com.
Thing 6: Special Viewing for the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
Radnor’s new observation deck on the Lake Trail has been reserved for Chestnuts on Monday, August 21, from 10 a.m.-3:00 p.m. At Radnor Lake, the eclipse will occur from Noon to 3 p.m. — with the total eclipse occurring at 1:28 p.m. and lasting 75 seconds. More details to come.
Thing 7: Private Ranger-led Tours of the Aviary
Radnor Lake Rangers will give private tours for Chestnut members at the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Education Center. The expanding Aviary now includes five birds of prey. During the tour, members will be able to take close-up photos, sketch, and/or paint these incredible, non-releasable birds. The attending Ranger will take at least one bird out of its aviary for closer view. For more details, or to sign up for the tour, email Ed Routon at erouton@bellsouth.net. Tour dates and times:
Saturday, July 29
3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 2
9:00 a.m.
Saturday, August 5
3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 16
9:00 a.m.
Thing 8: Full Moon Paintouts Scheduled
Park Manager Steve Ward will personally host two full moon paintouts this fall. More details to come, but mark your calendars! The paint out dates and times:
Thursday, September 7
7:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 5
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Thing 9: Sneak Preview of the Show.
After the show is hung (Wednesday, November 1st), a special preview of the Radnor show is being planned for Chestnut members and their spouses/guests. Too often members don’t get to see the complete exhibit of their, and their fellow members,’ work so this will be an opportunity (over light refreshments) to see and admire the exhibit before the Patron Party — when up to 40-45% of the paintings may be sold and removed from the exhibit Thursday night. More details to come.
Thing 10: We’d Like to be Invited Back — Please Obey the Rules.
For The Chestnut Group to be welcomed by Radnor Lake staff and FORL to come paint in this treasured Natural Area is both an honor and a privilege. Help us ensure that this opportunity continues for many years — and hopefully many shows — to come by reviewing and strictly abiding by the Park Rules and Regulations. http://radnorlake.org/the-park/park-rules-and-regulations/
Co-Chairs: Marci Hicks – marjorieshicks@gmail.com or (615) 516-8932; Ed Routon – erouton@bellsouth.net or (615) 812-0520