Harlinsdale Farm


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Shirley Fachilla, One of Thirty-Nine

Chestnut Shirley Fachilla is one of 39 artists chosen for the 2016 Laumeister Fine Art Competition. The Laumeister is the national juried art exhibition held annually by the Bennington Fine Art Center in Bennington, Vermont. This year, artist judge Mark Boedges chose only 39 artists for the show. Work includes both 2 and 3 dimensional pieces in a variety of mediums from oil to graphite, from bronze to steel rods!  

You might recognize Shirley’s painting chosen by Boedges; it was in the Chestnut show for Warner Parks last year.

The Laumeister is up now and on display through September 11th.

To see all the work and to read each artist’s statement about their piece, click on this link:

