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Shirley Fachilla, Membership Chair, Hosts Paintout at Cheekwood May 19th.

New Members – All Members – Come Paint Cheekwood

I’m hosting one of the Cheekwood paint-outs this spring and I’d like to make it all about meeting and greeting our new members. This means I would like all members who are able to join us!

Date: Tuesday, May 19th

Time: from 9:30 to 4:30

Place: Cheekwood Botannical Gardens, 1200 Forrest Park Drive

Come whenever you can and stay as long as you like.

Just drive up, tell the gatekeeper you’re a Chestnut and entry is free. (You might wear your Nut hat, shirt or pin if you have them.)

At 9:30, I’ll be in the first parking lot past the entrance saying hello and handing out name tags. If you come later, I’ll try to find you on the grounds.

Lunch for me will be about 12:30 in the Pineapple Room. Just look for folks with paint and nametags on their shirts.

If it rains, we’ll cancel. If not, there’s always something beautiful to paint at Cheekwood. I hope to see you there.

Oh yes, Rachel wants to know who’s coming so if you haven’t already, please email or call (615-504-7201) to tell her you’ll be there.

Shirley Fachilla, Membership Chair