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Sharing Your Painting (Images) for The Hermitage Show

We are now less than 8 weeks away from the “Chestnuts at the Hermitage – Celebrating 250 Years of Jackson” show and it is time to start sharing your paintings with the public.

To that end, both The Hermitage Marketing team and The Chestnut Marketing team would like to share your paintings with the public on social media, ads, etc. Any image used by either The Chestnuts or The Hermitage should credit the artist and title.

New this year we will also be sharing images of us creating our paintings. So if you have a photo of you painting at the Hermitage, please also feel free to share that image.

How to Submit Your Paintings:

  • Submitted painting images must not either include matting or frame. Please crop images to include the artwork only prior to submission
  • Painting image is right-side- up
  • Painting image is 1920 pixels  (at least 800 pixels on the longest side) at 72 dpi on the longest side. Images should be in .JPG or .JPEG format, sRGB color space
  • In order to ensure proper credit is given, painting image naming convention is:
    • Title, Size, Medium, Substrate, Artist Name.jpg
      • Sample 1: Hermitage Barn, 11×14, Oil, Canvas Board, Peach McComb.jpg
      • Sample 2: Step into History, 11×14, Oil, Canvas Board, Jay Holobach.jpg

Pictures of Artists Painting at The Hermitage

  • Images of painters painting should be of yourself
  • If you are submitting an image of another artist “in action”, you must have that artist’s permission to share. (Sometimes folks don’t want their image shared across social media and we need to be respectful of their wishes)
  • Images should be right-side up
  • Image is 1920 pixels (at least 800 pixels on the longest side) at 72 dpi on the longest side. Images should be in .JPG or .JPEG format, sRGB color space
  • In order to ensure proper credit is given, Action Photo naming convention is:
    • Artist name.jpg (Sample 1: Peach McComb.jpg , Sample 2: Jay Holobach.jpg)

Submitting Your Images

Please email your image(s) to one of the following folks so we can upload them to our Dropbox folder: