Painting Donations for Centennial Show Deadline Extended
With Centennial Park’s being a first-time partner, and one with whom we hope to host future shows, we want to make every effort to ensure a successful event. One way is thru a nice display of donated paintings to generate bidding. We did not get the number of donated works we had hoped, and wanted to reach out to ask that you reconsider donating a piece. The deadline for this request is midnight on Saturday, May 18. We will not have a restriction on the size of paintings. The extended deadline is for painting donations only.
Thank you for letting us feel that we can at least toss this out.
Judson Newbern
and Renee Bates
Co-Chairs, “Own a PART of the Park”
for The Conservancy of the Parthenon and Centennial Park

Painting by Sheryl Waugh