Harlinsdale Farm


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Paint the Lake with Kim Barrick

Chestnut founder Kim Barrick will be doing a painting demo for us this Tuesday, May 30th at Radnor Lake. She’ll be setting up around 9 a.m. along Otter Creek Road, and we’re invited to join her. Bring a camp stool (no big folding chairs please) to watch her brushstrokes and bring your gear to paint! It’s an early opportunity to paint for the Radnor show coming this November and a great opportunity to watch a plein air master at work.

Park in the west lot of Radnor Lake on Otter Creek Road and hike up to Kim’s painting spot. Access to this portion of Otter Creek Road is from Granny White Pike.

If the weather turns stormy, Wednesday, May 31st is the rain date. However, Tuesday’s forecast looks glorious, perfect for joining Kim at the Lake!