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Jim Himsworth Holiday Watercolor Workshop

ONE spot has opened up for Jim Himsworth Holiday Watercolor Workshop this Saturday, November 17th, 9:30-4:30 pm, $125 at Warehouse 521.    

The surprises inherent in watercolor can, at best, be magical or, at worst, disastrous. Given its somewhat unforgiving nature, a successful watercolor demands a well planned and executed strategy – oh, and plenty of practice!

During this one day workshop, let’s plan your painting’s success strategy and explore some watercolor fundamentals while painting a seasonal/holiday image that could become a holiday card or gift.

Before class, Jim will set up some simple holiday still-life options from which anyone may paint. If you’d rather paint a scene, person or pet, please bring in your own (printed or digital) image(s) as reference. Either way, Jim will help you plan and execute a successful watercolor suitable for hanging or gifting!

Register Here or email jeanie at