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Hermitage Wet Paint Competition!

Want to try a”Wet Paint” competition without the travel, pressure or time commitment? Then this is the event for you! Plan on attending one or both of these fun opportunities on April 8 and/or April 12 at The Hermitage, Home of Andrew Jackson, in conjunction with our show that will take place on April 20-22.  

Here is all you have to do:

1. SIGN – UP – Email Brigitte Hubbard at or Janice Stevens at to sign up for one or both days.

2. GET THERE – Arrive between 9:00 and 3:00 on your day (s) April 8, and/or April 12 with your painting supplies and a frame to fit your canvas board. 

3. CHECK IN – Visit the ticket booth for your (free) entry ticket and the Chestnut chair table to check in.

a. At check in we will stamp your canvas board for entry into the competition.

b. Only officially stamped canvas boards are allowed in the competition.

4. PAINT – Go out and paint your masterpiece!

5. LEAVE YOUR PAINTING –  Upon completion, return to the check in desk with your completed, framed painting (with hanging wire attached to the back so that when pulling the wire up tightly, the top of the wire is two inches below the top of the frame) and fill out a title block form.

a. We will submit title blocks for the paintings. The artist will not be required to submit a title block for the wet paint competition.

b. You can enter 1 officially marked painting each day in addition to up to 5 total paintings for the show.  Which means there is the opportunity to include up to 7 paintings in the Hermitage show.

6. ATTEND PREVIEW PARTY – The paintings will be displayed on a special panel during the Preview Party on April 20 where attendees will vote on their favorite.  You do not have to be present to win. Patrons enjoy speaking with the artists, so if you are available, sign up to help with the Preview Party.

7. The painting that receives the most votes will be the crowned winner.

That’s it! Just a fun day of painting and trying something new with your fellow Chestnut members! Don’t miss this fun event!

We paint rain or shine!

Brigitte, Peach & Janice