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Gayle Levee Recognized by Bryan Memorial Gallery

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Congratulations to Gayle!  The historic Bryan Memorial Gallery has invited Gayle to join their upcoming show commemorating Robert Douglas Hunter. The show will feature Hunter’s work along with that of 20 of his students. It’s a tremendous honor to have been chosen, considering how generous Mr. Hunter was with his knowledge; he taught for decades, single-handedly reviving the Boston School art tradition.

Gayle says “Now it’s my turn to pass this knowledge to you. This summer I will teach a Boston School workshop, offering the essential techniques I learned from Mr. Hunter. Won’t you join me?”

Workshop details: Warehouse 521 on July 15, 16 and 17, from 9 am to 4 pm.  To register, go to

Exhibit details: Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville VT, July 1 to Sept. 5. Opening reception with Elizabeth Hunter on July 3.