Harlinsdale Farm


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FACT SHEET: Friends of Franklin Park Show — important note from co-chairs

Hello Chestnuts,

We are so excited about the upcoming “Painting the Parks” Art Show and Sale.

Titleblock deadline is Friday, November 4th at midnight.

Here is a link to the FACT SHEET: https://chestnutgroup.org/member-resources/  (MUST BE LOGGED IN TO ACCESS)

ONE IMPORTANT NOTE: Gallery wrapped canvases are NOT PERMITTED. Yes, it says that in the fact sheet, but that is a mistake. So sorry for the confusion.

Also, please VOLUNTEER through our SIGN-UP Genius link found here: https://chestnutgroup.org/member-resources/ (MUST BE LOGGED IN TO ACCESS)

We still need more volunteers for the show!

If you have any questions, please contact Karen Philpott at 615-415-4878 or karenphilpott@me.com

Thank you all so much for your support!