Harlinsdale Farm


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CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS for Wednesday afternoon 6/23!

Good evening Chestnuts,

We are so pleased by the numbers for the show this Friday! 70 participating artists and 500 pieces. THANK YOU!

This will be a record-breaking show as far as participation and numbers, and we realized today as the pieces were coming in that we do not have enough volunteers to help us hang the show on Wednesday. We have a few volunteers scheduled for 9 a.m. to noon on Wednesday 6/23, but we need many more for the afternoon.

If you can please come and help us hang on Wednesday in the Davis Building on MBA’s campus, we would appreciate your help so much.

Please email suzannah.green@yahoo.com or dalefinley@comcast.net to let us know you can volunteer some of your time.

Many thanks!

It’s show week!! and it’s going to be great!!