Harlinsdale Farm


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Dear members,

We were notified today that a few Chestnut members attempted to drive through Radnor Lake State Park. Apparently thinking they had been given special permission, the members drove their cars beyond road barriers at the East Lot parking area to Hall Drive in order to retrieve their art supplies. Please realize that under no circumstances are members allowed to drive through the park, indeed that rule goes for any Radnor Lake visitor. We can only assume there has been a huge misunderstanding, and we apologize if anyone has inadvertently been led to believe they had permission to do this. The very last thing we want to do is jeopardize our wonderful 20 year long relationship with Steve Ward and his team of rangers, and the kind folks managing the Friends of Radnor Lake.

Please spread the word and help us prevent this from ever happening again.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.

Donna Brumbergs – dbrumbergs@gmail.com or (860) 508-9476 | Bitsy King – bitsykingart@gmail.com or (615) 513-0511


Donna Brumbergs and Bitsy King, Art Show Co-Chairs, and Brigitte Hubbard, President