Harlinsdale Farm


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Announcing Two James Himsworth Classes


Class Size: 6 maximum
6 Tuesday Evenings
6-9 pm
April 25-May 30
Warehouse 521
521 Heather Place, Nashville, TN.

For the painter, color can be friend or foe. Mastering this allusive, yet seductive artistic tool requires careful study and a lifetime of practice.

This introductory course will focus on seeing, understanding, mixing and finally painting accurate color relationships (e.g. temperature, intensity and value). Students will learn how to effectively mix high-chroma, out of the tube pigments to successfully achieve nearly any perceived/desired color relationship. There will be demonstrations and individual attention. Jim Himsworth is a talented artist and giving teacher who communicates clearly and effectively. He studied with the late Nelson Shanks at The University of the Arts and Studio Incamminati which influenced his approach to seeing and mixing color.


2-Day Portrait Intensive

May 6 & 7
Saturday and Sunday
9:30-4:30 pm
$260 +35 model fee
Warehouse 521
521 Heather Place, Nashville, TN. 37204.

Have you ever noticed that great painters know how to make a painting look dynamic and strong from start to finish?

This portrait painting workshop will focus on establishing a powerful start and sustaining that strength throughout the entire process, thus ensuring an “artful finish.” Additionally, it will provide the more advanced painter the opportunity to further hone his or her drawing skills, color perception and edge control during a two day, extended pose.


To register for either class, please visit www.warehouse521.com under Weekly Classes or email Jeanie at warehouse521@gmail.com


To see more of Jim’s work visit www.jameshimsworth.com