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All ‘things’ Radnor

“Her Majesty in Pink” – by Bitsy King


Here are some things you should know about our upcoming November 3-5, 2023, show at Radnor Lake.


Thing 1: They will come, and many will buy.

Loyal patrons and Radnor lovers are dedicated to the cause and have shown they will buy Chestnut paintings. The 2021 art show set the record for the largest grossing show – 138 paintings were sold grossing over $77,000 (including the online extended portion of the sale). Just under $35,000 was paid out to Chestnut painters.

Thing 2: Friends of Radnor Lake (FORL) Board Members and Radnor Lake Staff are excited and enthusiastic about the 50th year anniversary.

The Radnor folks are looking forward to celebrating the 50th anniversary year of Radnor Lake. They are dedicating the time, money, and resources to help support our efforts and better ensure that the 2023 show will be another success.

Thing 3: The FORL know how to throw a party.

Thursday’s sales during the 3-hour patron party were $26,065, or 34% of total sales.

Thing 4: Donated paintings up for silent auction.

We will be accepting 100% donated paintings for the show that will be hung together and presented in a silent auction format. Bidding will begin Thursday 11/2 at the opening of the Patron party and will close Sunday 11/5 at the end of the show. This is a great way to have your work noticed and your name recognized by art patrons.

Thing 5: Wildlife sells.

Sure, there’s the lake, but for those who frequent the Natural Area, the Radnor ‘experience’ includes turkeys, turtles, owls, herons, ducks, geese, otters, watchable birds, and EAGLETS. A significant number of paintings sold over the years featured or included wildlife.

Thing 6: Private Ranger-led tours of the Aviary.

Radnor Lake Rangers will give private tours for Chestnut members at the Barbara J. Mapp Aviary Education Center. Several birds of prey reside there ranging from great horned owls to bald eagles. The 550-foot boardwalk and aviary complex are the epicenter of birds of prey programming offering park visitors a unique viewing opportunity. During the tour, members will be able to take close-up photos, sketch, and paint these incredible non-releasable birds. The attending Ranger will take at least one bird out of its aviary for closer view. Dates tbd.

Thing 7: We’d like to be invited back!

For The Chestnut Group to be welcomed by Radnor Lake staff and FORL to come paint in this treasured Natural Area is both an honor and a privilege. Help us ensure that this opportunity continues for many years to come by reviewing and abiding by the Park Rules and Regulations – https://radnorlake.org/park/rules/

Thing 8: Fact Sheet.

The Fact Sheet is updated periodically and will detail all the specifics related to the show including – submission numbers, subject matter, framing, title block submissions, drop off and pick up times etc. Look for the first posting of the sheet in the next couple of weeks.


Bitsy and I urge you to get out to paint, even if you are unable to join us during scheduled times. Use this link to view the map –  https://tnstateparks.com/assets/pdf/additional-content/park-maps/Radnor_Lake_web.png


Please feel free to contact us with any questions:

Donna Brumbergs – dbrumbergs@gmail.com – 860-508-9476

Bitsy King – bitsykingart@gmail.com – 615-513-0511