Harlinsdale Farm


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Warner Park Fundraiser Kickoff Pot Luck Paintout!

Hi Chestnuts,

This coming Saturday, May 6th, will be our kick-off ‘paintout and pot luck picnic’ for the Warner Parks Show in 2018! The Chestnut Group has reserved Shelter #5 for the day. (Same location as the Chestnut Anniversary party) Please join us to paint during this great weather and gather all four seasons in the park for the fundraiser for Warner Parks. The Nature Center will be there to tell us about the Parks and provide information, as well as answer any questions that we may have. It will be a great opportunity to get together, meet new Chestnuts and inspire one another through art and nature.

Bring a potluck dish for 10 people  – salads, fruit, finger foods, picnic fare. We will provide water, paper products,  and dessert. 

We will see you there!


9:00a.m. till late afternoon


Edwin Warner Park,  entrance off of Vaughn Rd, Sheltor #5 will be on the left.

Any questions please call Anne Goetze 615-948-5550 or Judson Newborn 615-673-5393. Please let the Chairs know if you will be there

.Let the painting begin!!