plein air painters · conservationists · volunteers · teachers · students
with common goals
Conservation · Education · Community
The 150 plus members of The Chestnut Group are passionate about protecting the natural and historic landscapes of Middle Tennessee. Working with valued partners to host collaborative art events, a generous portion of the proceeds from the sale of original artwork is donated to those groups with the same vision of preserving fragile local environments, threatened habitats and protected natural areas.
The Chestnuts and their partners represent a unique alliance with the artistic world. To date, The Chestnut Group has raised close to a half-million dollars for preservation partners through the sale of members’ work.
The Chestnut Group provides learning and teaching resources for every artistic level: instructional sessions for beginning painters, member-mentors eager to share their knowledge and experience, and workshops led by accomplished plein air artists for those seeking development. As a trusted voice in the plein air community, The Chestnut Group serves as a conduit of artistic and conservation information for members and non-members alike, with the passion to grow in ability while understanding the advantages of painting outdoors.
With core values of volunteerism, conservation of land, preservation of historic places, and awareness, The Chestnut Group members are a collection of like-minded artists, volunteers and conservationists dedicated to a grassroots conservancy. The group’s efforts benefit partner organizations who share similar ideals, and funds raised at exhibition events are donated to protect natural open spaces, waterways, and historic landmarks and structures from commercial development. The Chestnut Group drives local purpose with the fortitude of a unified, dedicated community.
Learn more about the History of The Chestnut Group, including the origin of its name.