Harlinsdale Farm


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Join us – Wildwood Paintout this Sunday

Hi, Chestnuts,

The weather plan looks like it’s working out!  There are boats, lake, wildlife, airstreams, lots to see and paint.  I hope you will join us and paint this Sunday at the Wildwood Resort on Cordell Hull.  We are invited to paint all day, and they would particularly like us to be there from 11 – 3.

Bring a drop cloth to protect deck surfaces.

RSVP to Renee at 615-642-3007 so she can share specifics.

Wildwood is an easy 1 hour from Metro Nashville’s Airport.

Paintings can be entered in the Painting to Preserve show.

Wildwood has a blog that highlights additional natural areas near Wildwood in the latest edition of “Breeze” https://mailchi.mp/visitwildwood.com/water-fun?e=be45bd918e

Original announcement: https://chestnutgroup.org/announcements/wildwood-resort-paintout/

Thank you!